
Color difference when painting cultural stone with silicone mold

Using silicone rubber molds to make produce culture stone, artificial stone, concrete ornaments is a widely used technology in the market, some cement clients brush the silicone mold with pigment, and then pour in cement or concrete, then, someone use platinum cure silicone to make molds might get non-decolorization problem (coloring problem) of in-mold coloring technology of silicone molds. As a result, some cement products are darker in color and some cement products are lighter in color.  

Today i’d like to share the reasons of colour difference of cultural stone caused by the adsorption of pigment by silicone molds while colouring cultural stone. 

For this reason, it is necessary to know the difference between platinum moulding and condensation moulding.

1. Platinum silicone can absorb pigment because it does not emit oil. It can be suggested that customers use oil release agent, then the decolorization effect (coloring effect) will be better, or see if can produce the platinum silicone to emit more oil.

2. Condensation silicone itself will leak oil, so the decolorization effect (coloring effect) will be very good, but the shrinkage rate will be larger than the platinum molding.

In view of the difference between platinum and condensation silicone, customers can choose according to their advantages and disadvantages.