epoxy resin potting compound is liquid composite, epoxy potting refers to the epoxy resin as the main ingredients; add all kinds of functional additives, with suitable curing agent of epoxy resin produced a kind of liquid packaging or potting material.
Electronic epoxy resin potting is widely used in electronic components such as: electronic transformer, negative ion generator, power module, high pressure bag, aquarium water pump, relay, ignition coil, capacitor, transformer, AC/DC module, LED module, LED, AC capacitor, (vertical,horizontal, cassette, film capacitor), lighting, electrical and other electronic components insulating pouring, moisture-proof filling etc..
Electronic epoxy potting polymer
DEFINITION OF EPOXY POTTING POLYMERThe epoxy resin potting polymer generally refers to the polymer m..
Epoxy resin potting adhesive high hardness pcb circuit board power transformer electronic circuit board main board filled with AB glue waterproof insulation confidential potting adhesive
INTRODUCTION OF EPOXY POTTING COMPOUNDEpoxy potting is AB glue, low viscosity, good fluidity, easy t..